You Can Help Provide For The Needs Of Our Families.
Countless churches, mission groups, and organizations have collected needed items to benefit the children served by the programs of MBCH Children and Family Ministries. Individuals also routinely donate items directly to the Children’s Home.
In order to facilitate the collection and distribution of the needed items, MBCH has established the “Campus Store” on the Lowe-Frillman Campus in Bridgeton. This facility is not a “store” in the traditional sense. It is the centralized collection and distribution source for all of the campuses and locations of the ministries of Missouri Baptist Children’s Home. Needed items can be sent to the Campus Store at the address listed below. The MBCH Foundation also has Development Officers working in every part of the state of Missouri. They can pick up items to be delivered to the Campus Store.
The following list of items reflects the current needs of the children and programs in the MBCH Family. This list will change on a monthly basis.
Material Needs
Items can be sent to:
MBCH, Campus Store
11300 St. Charles Rock Road
Bridgeton, MO 63044
For more information about needed items, call:
314-739-6811 or
and ask for the Campus Store.
Donation Drop-off Hours:
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
or call for an appointment.