Nikki wanted to be a dental hygienist, not a stereotype—but here she was, seventeen and pregnant, with hard decisions ahead. Choosing life looked like giving up on her dreams, but the mama’s heart she’d never known she had couldn’t bear the alternative.
Nikki didn’t know how she’d make it through. Then The LIGHT House came alongside her and said God still had a plan for Nikki’s life, even when she struggled to see it. When The LIGHT House threw her a baby shower, Nikki dissolved into tears. The practical gifts of diapers, formula, clothes, and baby gear were God’s provision to help her get through this season so she could get back to finishing her education and finding a job once she was past the newborn stage. More importantly, being celebrated made her feel like her family was valued and special: her baby was not a mistake, and neither was she.
You can support moms in need by giving just $30 for a case of diapers or $45 for a case of formula.
Choosing life deserves a celebration—and you’re invited to join in!